Ansible inventory is a configurable, structured data file that defines the hosts, groups, and variables that Ansible uses to establish and manage connections to remote systems for configuration management and automation tasks.
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Ansible inventory is a configurable, structured data file that defines the hosts, groups, and variables that Ansible uses to establish and manage connections to remote systems for configuration management and automation tasks.
Setup a local environment using Vagrant and VirtualBox to enable test-driven-development (TDD) of your Ansible playbooks and configuration
An Ansible playbook is a YAML-formatted script that automates configuration, deployment, and orchestration tasks on multiple remote machines, defining a sequence of roles, tasks, and handlers executed by Ansible’s engine.
Ansible is a tool that is designed to automate IT tasks and simplify infrastructure management. It uses the SSH protocol to connect to remote systems and execute commands or run playbooks.
This is a production site.