Threat protection with Microsoft 365 Defender

  • Threat prevention also covers apps, email, collaborations, endpoints, SaaS and ID

Microsoft 365 Defender services

  • Coordinate threats to ID, endpoints, apps and email

    • Detection
    • Prevention
    • Investigation
    • Response
  • Microsoft Defender for ID and Azure AD ID Protection

    • Uses Azure Ad signals
    • Identify, detect and investigate threats
  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

    • Platform for preventative proection
  • Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

    • Cross-SaaS to protect cloud apps
  • Microsoft Defender for Office 365

    • Protects email, Links and collaboration tools

Microsoft Defender for Identity

  • Cloud based
  • Uses on-premises ADDS data (signals)
  • Identify, detect and investigate
    • Monitor profile behavior and activities
    • Protect user ID and reduce attack surfaces
    • Identify suspicious activities

Monitor and profile user behavior and activities

  • Monitors and analyzes user permissions and group memberships
  • Created behavioral baselines for each user
  • Identifies anomalies with adaptive built-in intelligence
  • Insights into suspicious activities and events

Protect user ID and reduce attack surfaces

  • Insights on ID configurations
  • Best practices
  • Security reports and user profile analytics

Identify suspicious activities and advanced attacks access the cyberattack kill-chain

  • Attacks launched at any entity, such as a low-privileged user
  • Attack then moves laterally to locate valuable assets
  • Cyberattack kill-chain
    • Reconnaissance
    • Compromised credentials
    • Lateral movements
    • Domain dominance

Investigate alerts and user activities

  • Reduce general alert noise

Microsoft Defender for Office 365

  • Formerly Microsoft Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
  • Safeguards against email, links, Teams, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business and office clients
  • Covers four key areas
    • Threat protection policies
      • Set the appropriate level of protection for the organization
    • Report
      • Real-time reports to monitor performance
    • Threat investigation and response capabilities
      • Investigate, understand, simulate and prevent threats
    • Automated investigation and response capabilities
      • Save time and effort on investigations

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 1

  • Safe attachments
    • Checks email attachments for malicious content
  • Safe links
    • Links are scanned at click
  • Safe attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive and Teams
    • Scans files
  • Anti-phishing
    • Detects impersonation attempts
  • Real-time detection
    • Report to identify and analyze recent threats

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 2

  • Threat trackers
    • Latest intelligence on prevailing cybersecurity issues
    • Allows organizations to take countermeasure prior to a threat
  • Threat explorer
    • Rea-time report to identify and analyze recent threats
  • Automated investigation and response (AIR)
    • Security playbooks that be launched automatically
    • Start an automated investigation
  • Attack Simulator
    • Run realistic attack scenarios

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 availability

  • Included in
    • Microsoft 365 E5
    • Office 365 E5
    • Office 365 A5
    • Microsoft 365 Business Premium
  • Can be purchased as an add-on

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

  • Protect endpoints
  • Uses technology embedded in Windows 10 and MSFT cloud services
  • Includes
    • Threat and vulnerability management
      • Risk-based
      • Discovery, prioritization and remediation
    • Attack surface reduction
      • First line of defense
      • Ensures configuration settings are correct
    • Next generation protection
      • Machine learning
      • Big data analysis
      • In-depth threat resistance research
    • Endpoint detection and response
      • Near real-time advanced attack detection
    • Automated investigation and remediation
      • Automated investigation feature
    • Threat experts
    • Management and APIs

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

  • Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
  • Cross-SaaS
  • Intermediary between end users and the cloud provider
  • Visibility to cloud services
  • Control over data travel
  • Analytics
  • Gain visibility into shadow IT
  • Discovery cloud apps being used

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)

  • Gatekeeper
  • Brokers real-time access between users and cloud resources
  • Addresses security gaps
  • Visibility; detects all cloud services

Cloud app security framework

  • Discover and control the use of shadow IT
    • Identify cloud apps
    • Usage patterns
    • Risk levels
  • Protect your sensitive information anywhere in the cloud
    • Understand, classify and protect exposure of data at rest
  • protect against cyberthreats and anomalies
    • Detect unusual behavior across cloud apps
    • identify ransomware, compromised users or rogue apps
  • Assess your cloud apps’ compliance
    • Assess if the cloud app meet relevant compliance requirements
    • Regulatory compliance
    • Industry standards

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps architecture

  • Integrates visibility of how resources are connected
  • Map and identify the cloud
  • Uses traffic logs to dynamically discover cloud apps being used
  • Sanction and unsanction apps using cloud app catalog
  • App connectors to integrate
  • Conditional access app control protection

Office 365 Cloud App Security

  • Subset of Defender for Cloud Apps
  • Enhanced visibility and control for Office 365

Enhanced Cloud App Discovery in Azure Active Directory

  • Requires Azure AD P1
Last modified July 21, 2024: update (e2ae86c)