Push a Docker container to the ACR

The following steps walk through pushing a Docker container from your workstation to an already existing ACR that you have access to.


  • Login-to-Azure-Container-Registry


Before you can push an image to your registry, you must tag it with the fully qualified name of your registry login server. The sign in server name is in the format .azurecr.io (must be all lowercase), for example, newregistryapl.azurecr.io.

Tag the image using the docker tag command. Replace with the login server name of your ACR instance.

docker tag [YourLocalImageName]:[YourLocalImageVersion] [YourACRLoginServer]/[YourImageName]:[YourImageVersion]

For example:

docker tag myapp:v1 myregistry.azurecr.io/myapp:v1

Use docker push to push the image to the registry instance. Replace with the sign-in server name of your registry instance.

push [YourACRLoginServer]/[YourImageName]:[YourImageVersion]

For example:

docker push myregistry.azurecr.io/myapp:v1

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