Control Structure

Used to manage the flow of code execution and control how resources or modules are created and configured.

Terraform Conditionals

Terraform conditionals are expressions that allow you to dynamically set values based on the evaluation of specified conditions, enabling greater flexibility and adaptability in your infrastructure configuration.

Terraform Loops

Terraform loops, implemented using count or for_each meta-arguments, allow the creation of multiple instances of a resource or module based on an integer count or items in a map or set, simplifying repetitive resource configurations.

Terraform Preconditions & Postconditions

Terraform preconditions are mechanisms used to assert certain states or conditions before executing Terraform operations, thereby enforcing the desired state and ensuring the integrity of the infrastructure-as-code deployment.

Terraform Validations

Terraform validations are a set of checks performed on a Terraform configuration to ensure its correctness and adherence to best practices before executing the infrastructure-as-code deployment.

Zero-Downtime Deployment

Terraform’s “create_before_destroy” approach ensures that when updating an existing resource, a new version is first created before the old one is destroyed to minimize downtime and data loss.

Last modified March 28, 2025: refine caf guidelines (eae1633)