Vagrant Cheat Sheet

Vagrant Cheet Sheet

Show running Vagrant boxes

vagrant global-status

This command displays the status and information about all running Vagrant boxes on your system.

Display SSH configuration for a Vagrant

vagrant ssh-config

Detroy all Vagrant boxezs

vagrant global-status | awk '/virtualbox/ {print $1}' | xargs -I {} vagrant destroy -f {}


Start or create a Vagrant environment:

vagrant up

This command starts and provisions the Vagrant environment based on the Vagrantfile in the current directory.

Stop a running Vagrant environment:

vagrant halt

This command stops the running Vagrant environment by gracefully shutting down the Vagrant box.

Destroy a Vagrant environment:

vagrant destroy

This command destroys the Vagrant environment, deleting the associated Vagrant box and all its resources.

Suspend a running Vagrant environment:

vagrant suspend

This command suspends the Vagrant environment, saving its current state and allowing you to resume later.

Resume a suspended Vagrant environment:

vagrant resume

This command resumes a previously suspended Vagrant environment from its saved state.

Reload a Vagrant environment:

vagrant reload

This command reloads the Vagrant environment, applying any changes made to the Vagrantfile.

Provision a running Vagrant environment:

vagrant provision

This command re-runs the provisioning scripts specified in the Vagrantfile for the running Vagrant environment.

Display status information about the Vagrant environment:

vagrant status

This command shows the status of the Vagrant environment, indicating whether it is running, suspended, or powered off.


SSH into a running Vagrant box:

vagrant ssh

This command connects to the default SSH user on the currently running Vagrant box using SSH.

SSH into a specific Vagrant box:

vagrant ssh <vm-name>

If you have multiple Vagrant boxes defined in your Vagrantfile, you can specify the name of the box to SSH into a specific one.

Execute a command on a running Vagrant box:

vagrant ssh -c "command"

This command allows you to execute a specific command on the currently running Vagrant box without entering an interactive session. Replace “command” with the command you want to execute.

Copy files to a running Vagrant box using SCP:

vagrant scp /path/to/local/file <vm-name>:/path/to/destination

This command securely copies files from your local machine to the specified Vagrant box. Replace /path/to/local/file with the path to the local file you want to copy, <vm-name> with the name of the Vagrant box, and /path/to/destination with the path on the Vagrant box where you want to copy the file.

Copy files from a running Vagrant box using SCP:

vagrant scp <vm-name>:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/destination

This command securely copies files from the specified Vagrant box to your local machine. Replace <vm-name> with the name of the Vagrant box, /path/to/remote/file with the path to the file on the Vagrant box you want to copy, and /path/to/destination with the path on your local machine where you want to copy the file.

Configuration changes

Reapply a Vagrant configuration to update an already-running Vagrant environment. This command will first halt the running virtual machines, then apply the new configuration changes, and finally restart the virtual machines. Keep in mind that vagrant reload only applies changes related to Vagrant’s configuration, such as network settings, synced folders, or provider-specific settings.

vagrant reload

If you want to reapply provisioning scripts or configuration management tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef, use the following command:

vagrant reload --provision

Last modified March 28, 2025: refine caf guidelines (eae1633)