Docker Cheat Sheet
8 minute read
These commands need to be executed in the directory containing the docker-compose.yml
file, or you need to specify the file with the -f
Start a Compose application:
docker-compose up [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...]
- Starts all services defined in the
file. - With the
flag, the services will run in detached mode (background). - You can also specify specific services to start.
Stop a Compose application:
docker-compose down [OPTIONS]
- Stops all services defined in the
file. - With the
flag, it also removes the volumes defined in thedocker-compose.yml
Build or rebuild services:
docker-compose build [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...]
- Builds all services defined in the
file that have abuild
directive. - You can also specify specific services to build.
List the status of services:
docker-compose ps [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...]
- Lists the status of all services defined in the
file. - Can show status like
, orRestarting
Execute a command in a service:
docker-compose exec [OPTIONS] SERVICE COMMAND [ARGS...]
- Executes a command in a running service.
- Useful for debugging or interacting with a service.
View output from services:
docker-compose logs [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...]
- Displays the logs from services.
- Useful for debugging.
Create and start containers:
docker-compose start [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...]
- Starts existing containers for a service.
Stop running containers without removing them:
docker-compose stop [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...]
- Stops running containers without removing them.
List Docker containers:
docker ps
- Lists all running Docker containers on the local system.
- Shows details such as container ID, image, command, creation time, status, ports, and names.
List all Docker containers (running and stopped):
docker ps -a
- Lists all Docker containers, including those that are stopped.
- Shows details similar to the ‘docker ps’ command.
Start a Docker container:
docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
- Starts a new Docker container using the specified image.
- You can provide options like ‘–name’ to give the container a custom name, and ‘-p’ to map ports.
Stop a Docker container:
- Stops a running Docker container by sending a SIGTERM signal, followed by a SIGKILL if the container doesn’t stop within the specified timeout.
Remove a Docker container:
- Removes a stopped Docker container.
- Use the ‘-f’ option to force-remove a running container.
Execute a command in a running Docker container:
- Executes the specified command within a running Docker container.
- Use the ‘-it’ option for an interactive session.
View logs of a Docker container:
- Displays the logs of a running or stopped Docker container.
- Use the ‘–follow’ or ‘-f’ option to stream the logs in real-time.
Pull a Docker image from a registry:
docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]
- Downloads a Docker image from a registry (such as Docker Hub) to the local system.
- You can specify the image version using the ‘TAG’ or ‘DIGEST’ value.
Push a Docker image to a registry:
docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]
- Uploads a Docker image from the local system to a registry (such as Docker Hub).
- Requires authentication with the registry.
List Docker images:
docker images
- Lists all the Docker images available on the local system.
- Shows details such as repository, tag, image ID, creation time, and size.
Pull a Docker image from a registry:
docker pull <image_name>:<tag>
- Downloads the specified Docker image from a registry (e.g., Docker Hub) to the local system.
- Replace
with the name of the image and<tag>
with the desired version (e.g.,latest
). - If the
is not specified, Docker defaults to pulling thelatest
Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile:
docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> <build_context>
- Builds a Docker image using the Dockerfile and build context provided.
- Replace
with the desired name for the image and<tag>
with the version (e.g.,v1
). - Replace
with the path to the build context (e.g.,.
for the current directory). - The
flag is used to tag the image with a name and version.
If changes are not detected by Docker, such as an edit within the source files, then you need to use the
attribute if you want to overwrite an existing tagged image. This is often the case for instance with thelatest
image and you only change the source code
Remove a Docker image:
docker rmi <image_id>
- Removes a Docker image from the local system.
- Replace
with the ID of the image you want to remove. - To remove multiple images, provide a space-separated list of image IDs.
- You cannot remove an image if it is currently being used by a running or stopped container.
Push a Docker image to a registry:
docker push <repository>:<tag>
- Pushes a Docker image to a remote registry (e.g., Docker Hub).
- Replace
with the name of the repository and<tag>
with the version (e.g.,latest
). - You must be logged in to the registry using
docker login
before pushing an image.
Save a Docker image to a tar archive:
docker save -o <output_file> <image_name>:<tag>
- Saves a Docker image to a tar archive file.
- Replace
with the desired file path (e.g.,image.tar
) and<image_name>
with the image and version to be saved. - The
flag is used to specify the output file path.
Load a Docker image from a tar archive:
docker load -i <input_file>
- Loads a Docker image from a tar archive file.
- Replace
with the path to the tar archive file containing the Docker image. - The
flag is used to specify the input file path.
Inspect a Docker image:
docker image inspect <image_name>:<tag>
- Retrieves detailed information about a Docker image in JSON format.
- Replace
with the name of the image and<tag>
with the desired version (e.g.,latest
). - The output includes information such as the image ID, creation time, size, and layers.
Inspect a Docker image manifest:
docker manifest inspect <repository>:<tag>
- Retrieves the image manifest and its metadata for a specific image from a registry.
- Replace
with the name of the repository and<tag>
with the desired version (e.g.,latest
). - The output provides information about the image’s platform, architecture, and layers.
List all networks:
docker network ls
- Lists all the networks that Docker knows about.
- Networks could be of different types, including
, andmacvlan
Inspect a network:
docker network inspect NETWORK
- Provides detailed information about a specific network.
- You can use either the network ID or the network name to specify the network to inspect.
Create a network:
docker network create [OPTIONS] NETWORK
- Creates a new network.
- You can specify the type of network to create with the
Connect a container to a network:
docker network connect NETWORK CONTAINER
- Connects a running container to a network.
- You can use either the network ID or the network name, and the container ID or container name to specify the network and the container.
Disconnect a container from a network:
docker network disconnect NETWORK CONTAINER
- Disconnects a container from a network.
- You can use either the network ID or the network name, and the container ID or container name to specify the network and the container.
Remove a network:
docker network rm NETWORK
- Removes a network.
- You can use either the network ID or the network name to specify the network to remove.
- Containers must be disconnected from the network before it can be removed.
Create an overlay network in Swarm mode:
docker network create -d overlay NETWORK
- Creates a new overlay network that spans all the nodes participating in the swarm.
- Requires Docker Swarm mode to be enabled.
Create a volume:
docker volume create [OPTIONS] [VOLUME]
- Creates a new volume that containers can use for storage.
- Docker volumes are the preferred way to persist data produced by and used by Docker containers.
List volumes:
docker volume ls
- Lists all volumes in Docker.
- This command helps you keep track of all the volumes on your Docker host.
Inspect a volume:
docker volume inspect [VOLUME]
- Returns detailed information about a volume.
- This can be used to find out more about the volume, such as its driver, mount point, or options.
Remove a volume:
docker volume rm [VOLUME]
- Removes a volume.
- A volume can only be removed if no containers are using it.
Prune volumes:
docker volume prune
- Removes all unused volumes.
- This command is useful for freeing up storage space on your Docker host.
Initialize a Docker Swarm:
docker swarm init [OPTIONS]
- Initializes a new Docker Swarm.
- The Docker daemon targeted by this command becomes a manager in the new Swarm.
Join a Docker Swarm:
docker swarm join [OPTIONS] HOST:PORT
- Adds the Docker daemon targeted by this command to an existing Docker Swarm as a worker or manager node.
- Requires a token generated by
docker swarm init
ordocker swarm join-token
Display join token:
docker swarm join-token [worker|manager]
- Displays the join token for worker or manager nodes.
- This token is required for a node to join the Swarm.
Create a new service:
docker service create [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
- Creates a new service in the Docker Swarm.
- The service can be scaled across different nodes in the Swarm.
Update a service:
docker service update [OPTIONS] SERVICE
- Updates a service in the Docker Swarm.
- Options include changing the image, update strategy, environment variables, and more.
Remove a service:
docker service rm SERVICE
- Removes the specified service from the Docker Swarm.
Inspect a service:
docker service inspect [OPTIONS] SERVICE
- Provides detailed information about the specified service.
List services:
docker service ls
- Lists all services in the Docker Swarm.
Display the tasks of a service:
docker service ps SERVICE
- Lists all tasks for a specific service, showing which nodes are running them and their status.
Leave a Swarm:
docker swarm leave [OPTIONS]
- Causes the node to leave the Swarm it’s part of.
- If the node is a manager, the Swarm must be demoted first.
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