Docsy Code Snippets

Useful bits of code and data to format docsy pages


Document Section (

  • menu.main puts in in the header of the site
title: "Design Patterns"
linkTitle: "Design Patterns"
    weight: 15
type: docs

Document page header

title: "Azure Bastion"
linkTitle: "Azure Bastion"
type: docs
description: >
    This pattern will demonstrate a simple VNet configuration with an Azure Bastion as the only way to access a Linux VM.
categories: ["pattern"]
tags: ["azure", "network", "terraform"] 

Blog page header

title: "How this site was built"
linkTitle: "How this site works"
description: >
  I wanted to document how this site was built as it's interesting to me, it includes some web knowledge, Terraform IaC, Azure PaaS services, DNS and custom domains, GitHub and Actions.
author: Neil Grinnall 
date: 2023-03-25


  <img src="/images/screenshots/patterns/azure-bastion-00.png" alt="Alt Text" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;">
  <figcaption><em>The topology of the Azure Bastion</em></figcaption>
<a href="" target="_blank">Azure 
Bastion documentation</a>
<a href="/patterns/pattern-azure-databricks/" target="_blank">Pattern: Azure Databricks</a>


Tabbed code

this is some code …

this is some code ...

this is some code …


| What      | Follows         |
| A table   | A header        |
| A table   | A header        |
| A table   | A header        |

Horizontal line


Highlighted text



Last modified March 28, 2025: refine caf guidelines (eae1633)