
These labs involve setting up and configuring various technologies, such as virtual machines, networking equipment, and software applications, to simulate real-world IT scenarios.

Azure Point-to-Site VPN

This lab will demonstrate a simple point-to-site VPN setup in Azure using Azure Active Directory for authentication

Host a static website on Azure

I wanted to document how this site was built, it includes some web knowledge, Terraform IaC, Azure PaaS services, DNS and custom domains, GitHub and Actions.

Create a simple Docker Container running Apache

This lab will set up an Apache web server with a basic index file that displays the computer name of the container running the Docker.

Create a Docker Image, test, update and version control it, then publish it to Docker hub

This lab will setup a working environment with some website code in a source directory, then we’ll create a Docker container from scratch that runs an Nginx web server hosting the website code. We’ll simulate making a revision to the website code and go through tagging images. Finally, we’ll publish the tagged images to Docker Hub and then download and run them.

Run Pi-Hole as a Docker Container on a Raspberry Pi

This lab uses a Raspberry Pi to run a Pi-Hole server as a Docker Container

Run Plex as a Docker Container on a Raspberry Pi using Docker Compose

This lab uses a Raspberry Pi to run a Plex server as a Docker Container that’s connected to a remote file share for media files

Setup a Docker Swarm

This lab set ups a Docker Swarm, deploys a basic Docker Service, then scales the Docker Service up and performs a rolling update

Run Uptime Kuma as a Docker Container on a Raspberry Pi

This lab uses a Raspberry Pi to run a Uptime Kumar server as a Docker Container

Git help script to version bump

This script automates the process of committing changes, bumping version numbers, and maintaining a changelog for a given Git repository. The script is interactive, prompting the user to make decisions at each step.

Use GitHub Actions to scan Terraform module code

This GitHub Action will perform certain tasks against the Terraform code in the GitHub repository and produce logs of the results, update documentation, and send status messages to Slack.

Build Infrastructure in Azure using GitHub Actions

This page will walk through deploying infrastructure in Azure using GitHub Actions and Terraform IaC

K3S Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi

Setup a K3S Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi micro-computers

Setup a MicroK8s Kubernetes cluster on a Raspberry Pi

MicroK8s is a lightweight and focused Kubernetes distribution that provides a full Kubernetes experience with a smaller CPU and memory footprint. It’s designed for devices with limited computing power and memory, making it ideal for devOps, edge computing, appliances, and IoT

Run Open Media Vault (OMV) on a Raspberry Pi

OpenMediaVault is a network-attached storage (NAS) solution built on Debian Linux, designed for easy management and deployment of digital media, file sharing, and data backup across various devices.

Last modified January 16, 2025: Update (1519d6d)