K8S CLI Pod Creation
This page provides a detailed guide on how to create and manage support pods in Kubernetes (K8S) using the command-line interface (CLI)
2 minute read
This page provides a detailed guide on how to create and manage support pods in Kubernetes (K8S) using the command-line interface (CLI)
2 minute read
This ConfigMap customizes the CoreDNS settings in a Kubernetes cluster. It defines static DNS entries and allows queries to fall through to the next plugin if no match is found.
less than a minute
This page provides detailed instructions on how to schedule support pods in Kubernetes for troubleshooting and support tasks. The content includes YAML files for creating two types of support pods
less than a minute
This page provides instructions for transferring Docker images between registries using a PowerShell script, which logs into both source and destination registries, pulls images, tags them, and optionally pushes them. The guide includes example commands and a list of images to transfer.
less than a minute
This page provides a guide on using common network tools like Netcat, Telnet, DNS utilities, Curl, Ping, and Git in Kubernetes support pods for troubleshooting and support tasks, with real-world command examples. These tools enable various network diagnostics, remote access, DNS queries, HTTP requests, and version control directly from the command line.
2 minute read
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